miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

How the financial crisis ends with some and encourages others

On Monday September 15, 2008 broke the world's fourth largest bank, Lehman Brothers and pulled ahead to all the world stock markets. The next day, we saw some of the brightest on Wall Street, many of the numbers for one of their promotions out of the headquarters of the ousted financial giant with all his belongings tucked in just a cardboard box. The exclusive club of beautiful wives and girlfriends of all those influential and wealthy executives entered not just be aware of this at a new stage of life. Which, it would take to go from being beautiful, rich, charitable, affluent, attractive, sexy and politically correct ladies, a discrete middle-aged ladies who live in any neighborhood of working class living a life of low profile, counter to what until now habit in their existence. Although they were always aware and are inspiring many of the most obscure and obscene fantasies of every male that swarm around today are aware of the times to shine as flirty cats have given way to the intramural experience All these striking behaviors.
     I'm not one of those millions and insolent consorts coming less. Although I must confess that I have taken the step to share my secret life, which I carried for several years by the rigors of this already extremely long and whore crisis. At heart, I thank the blessed global financial situation allowing me to share with you once and for all this amazing life that despite being a great secret has been the source of my greatest pleasures and treasures wildest experiences I curriculum.
     I invite you to continue together this uncertain, but certainly palatable way.


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